Friday, October 15, 2021

Stocking up for winter!

 They really make us laugh around our house!

Please do not copy my images to sell or make make money.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Cruella Crow!

I saw this beautiful crow land and it looked like it had paint spattered all over it. The opened wings were a sight! Think of the craft wheel at fairs that turned and spattered paint all over a canvas for you! This crow walked around my neighbor's yard with authority. Maybe she or he has a little Cruella de Vil inside!

Am I a Cardinal?

These two were chatting, drinking and bathing together. However the male kept a very watchful eye on the grey bird. I am assuming a female cardinal? I am lucky to get so many cool birds around my house. In fact a farm down the road is being made into a conservatory.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Watt Pottery

 Watt Pottery was made in Ohio. The plant closed due to a fire in 1965. According to Kovel's website the apple pattern can be dated by the leaves. Pre 1958 were three leaves. This is a rare cannister. In all my years I have not seen this for sale in person and it looks like it was never used. My guess is a grease jar or a cannister. I saw a different pattern with similar shape marked "tea" on it. The cookie jars were stout and it is definately not a bean pot either.   $125.00 Local Pick-Up Greensburg, PA