Monday, August 29, 2016

London to Dover and My Deceased Grandfather

So, my "ghostly," encounters have been a hit on the blog so here is a short and sweet one.
My Mom's father died when I was around five. I vaguely remember him. I now feel I remember him more by pictures as time passes. He had black, thick hair and was tan. He was part Native American. My Mom did not know about her Native heritage until a couple years before his death. He just told her one day.
Anyways I took a trip to London. I was on a tour of the country side.  We were going to the White Cliffs of Dover and later a castle. My Grandfather fought in the war and lost his hearing during the Battle of the Bulge. I can proudly say he helped liberate the Jews and all else Hitler hated.

The bus we were on had really high seats. You could not see the people in front or back of you.
I am sitting in my seat with a smile because I am just so delighted to be in England. I'm on a dream trip. I am kind of in my own happy world when I hear, " young lady where are you from?" It is a deep voice that brings you to attention. I pop up and peer over my seat and I tell him I'm from Pittsburgh with a big smile. He smiles at me. I then retreat down into my seat like some wack a mole trying to hide. I say nothing else to him and yet again I uncharacteristically do not say anything else. Although for a very fleeting second I think the man looks familiar.

I was seriously chased back into the bus when we got off at the castle by a black swan. Swans and I have a long hateful relationship. This was a small bus tour. I never saw the man again after my wack a mole encounter.

So upon my return from Europe I received a box of family pictures to store. In the box were pictures of my Grandfather when he was young and vibrant. It also included his platoon at the front of the Arc De Triomphe. When I saw my young Grandfather I immediately realized the familiar face on the bus was him. I sat quietly for a moment staring at the pictures. I was a little shocked but, soon was washed over in happiness. I got to meet him as an adult.  It was quick and memorable. I walked in front of the Arc De Triomphe. I was where he walked. I went to the White Cliffs of Dover. A military stronghold. Perhaps he is always watching over me and just wanted to make sure I was safe in Europe.