Monday, October 31, 2016

Lucky Ladybugs

As a child I was told ladybugs found meant your a lucky person. These type of little superstitions have stuck with me and frankly make life more whimsical and thoughtful.
Last week I came out the backdoor on an unseasonably warm day. We just came off a few pretty cold days. I spotted something buzzing to the left of my eye. I looked up to the left and there they were....ladybugs! Some people might immediately think they're an insect and be repulsed. Maybe kill them so they don't get into their house. Not me! I smiled at them. There were at least 30 red, magical bugs moving about and one flew on my hand. I was immediately taken back to childhood...I must count the spots to figure out the age. I talked to the little bug. I told her she is pretty and so sweet to have come to my home. I looked to the sky. I thought of my Great Grandparents and I say I am lucky. Things may not be as I hoped exactly but, I do have a lot to be thankful for.

Life can bring tragedy on our doorstep at anytime. It is part of a life's cycle. However savoring the littlest things can bring unexpected joy for a day or a moment and sometimes when you unexpectedly need it.

Friday, October 28, 2016

A Heated Mattress Pad, Best Purchase in Awhile

I worked in retail from the time I was sixteen. Needless to say almost 20 years of standing for eight plus hours has damaged my feet to my hips.
I like relief as much as possible without pills. I decided about 6 months ago to purchase a heated mattress pad. Sometimes my bones feel like the ache is deep. This pad has made sleeping more comfortable. I sleep longer without waking up. I also can keep the room cooler. I like a window cracked for fresh air. If specialty sized pads for campers were not so expensive I would add one to that bed too!
My calming ritual for bed time;
Rosemary and mint body lotion. Morning Mint by Archipelago is a favorite. Also Dionis', Verbana. If I am really aching I add a menthol muscle rub to my neck and a little under the nose and pull a hoodie over my head to lock in the heat. 
Turn on mattress pad. 
Turn on Pandora to soothing sleep music. Try Native American Flute. My dog makes his little snort of complete rest about five minutes in!
Sweet Dreams!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Witching You A Happy Halloween

Doodle dee, doodle dah!
The little witch is cooking tonight,
Oh, she stirs her bubbly brew,
And thinks about scaring you!
She can't wait for the crisp air and the rustle of the leaves,
And to fly out into the inky night!
Halloween is already dancing in her mind,
To be her ornary self one night is divine!
Creep, creep soon she comes,
If you hear her cackle it would be best to run!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Let Nature Be Your DIY Decor

I wanted something natural and whimsical for the entrance to my camper driveway. It just made sense to me because I am surrounded by trees and I love camping because of Mother Nature's gifts.
I have a heavy, Victorian green plant stand I purchased at a garage sale this year. This piece probably set on the porch of a grand home in the 1940's. It was practically being thrown away for $5.00. You can't buy this type of quality at an average store. Anyways I used it as my base to get started on my project.
I took a basket, scissors and went for a walk. The first thing I saw was deep red berries on thin woody branches. I clipped a handful in different lengths so I had dimension within my display. Next I grabbed an aged piece of bark with beautiful shades of brown. If you are not using water you may want to stick to hardier pieces. Twigs, pine and nuts are other useful pieces.
Now it was back to the camper to lay everything out on the table and add some new and upcycled craft pieces. I purchased small gourds from the local farmer and I had mesh ribbon and a felt witch hat from a previous craft.
📌When you are working a display envision a pyramid. The middle of your display should be the tallest and fan outwards. Think about a color and/or a theme when you are gathering for any project. It keeps you focused and creates a display with rhythm, depth and complementary colors. The web has so much information. Buy a color wheel at the craft store or find online. Color wheels are one of the first things you learn as an art student. The wheel shows you colors that work together. These are called complimentary colors. For instance burgundy's compliment would be dark green. It helps you create crafts pleasing to the eye. You will in fact notice the colors on the wheel make sense in nature when you really look around!
So I took my biggest piece which was the bark and placed it in the middle and worked around it and moved it as needed. I feathered in the mesh ribbon to add color and depth amongst the berries and gourds. I had to step back and keep reworking. I added the witch's hat to really get the theme across and the Happy Halloween flag. I was able to place mostly everything in the basket without glue. I did add hot glue here and there to stabilize. Notice my display is not tight and perfect. It does not look like a topiary. I was trying to make it a bit whimsy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Easy Halloween DIY

Don't sweat it if you are not that "crafty." Corn stalks are easy, cheap and transitional Fall decor. Add to each side of the front door, lamp post, tree and more. Buy directly from a farm and get as low as $2 each.
You will need twine to attach to a fixture, tree etc. Twine is also handy for attaching decor pieces to the stalks. Attaching with twine will make an easy change out from Halloween theme to Thanksgiving.
I purchased pre-cut foam ghosts at the craft store. You can add gem eyes or just use a black permanent marker. Wrap twine around body or make a whole to thread twine and attach to stalk. Honestly I am not the best ribbon maker. I always buy double sided ribbon. This way when you make loops it is easy as the design does not flip.
Pipe cleaners are handy to tie off the center of bows. They are also great to crinkle and hot glue to back of ghosts or other shapes. It gives a spring effect and the other side easily attaches to the stalk.
Extras to think about: Thread lights thru stalk. Add glitter for effect on foam pieces. Add a witch hat, cat etc. Create a theme so your stalk makes sense. Also the pieces need to be light weight.
Transition: Since you attached with twine or pipe cleaners this is an easy change up! Take down and add a foam turkey or just a simple Thanksgiving or orange ribbon. I like to add Indian corn and ribbon after Halloween. However the squirrels like when I add it too!